Our beloved friend and colleague Ari Hirvonen passed away a year ago tomorrow. This summer includes a string of events that all celebrate his memory and honour his work.
The first takes place in Italy. Next week, the international Symposium Phaenomenologicum will celebrate its 25th anniversary meeting at the Casa del sacro cuore in Perugia, Umbria. As part of the celebrations, a special session has been dedicated to Ari, a long-time Symposium member. The commemorative session will take place on Thursday, 7 July 2022, from 5.30pm CET to 7.30pm CET. The speakers will discuss Ari’s final book The Ethics of Tragedy (Counterpress, 2020) that you can download from the publisher’s website ➜ here.
The session is chaired by Philippe van Haute, and the speakers include Sami Santanen, Lyat Friedman, Rick Lee, Marcia Cavalcante-Schuback, Cecilia Sjöholm and Simon Critchley. Here ➜ is a Zoom link for participating remotely if you can’t make it to Perugia.