Minkkinen, Panu (2025 [in print]) ‘Caught between Theoretical and Practical Reason: Immanuel Kant’s “Inscrutable” Sovereign’, in Marinos Diamantides & Michel Rosenfeld (eds), Edward Elgar Research Handbook on the Law and Politics of Sovereignty. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
Minkkinen, Panu (2024) ‘Sociological Constitutionalism versus Constitutional Ethnography: Studying the Lived Detail of Public Power’, p. 19-33, in Anne Kjersti Befring, Gunnhild Storbekkrønning Solli and Dag Michalsen (eds), Grasping the Complexity of Law. Essays in Honour of Inger-Johanne Sand. Oslo: Karnov.
Minkkinen, Panu (2024) ’Hybrid Identities: Colonial Constituted Space as Realms of Memory’, Legalities, Vol. 4, No. 1: 1-20.
Minkkinen, Panu (2024) ‘”The Coldest of All Cold Monsters”: Friedrich Nietzsche as a Constitutional Theorist’, Thesis Eleven, Vol. 178, No. 1: 94-114.
Leino-Sandberg, Päivi, and Panu Minkkinen (2024) ‘From Separated Powers to Consensual Executive Government in the EU’, p. 19-36, in Päivi Leino-Sandberg, Christina Eckes and Wallerman Ghavanini (eds), The Dynamics of Powers in the European Union. Oxford: Hart, 2024.
Minkkinen, Panu (2024 [in print]) ‘Senate Square, Helsinki: Statist Powers, Architecture, and Urban Design’, in Renske Vos, Miriam Bak McKenna & Sofia Stolk (eds), International Law and Architecture. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
Minkkinen, Panu (2023) ‘Media, Cultural Techniques, and the Law: The Other Cornelia Vismann’, German Law Journal, Vol. 25, No. 9: 1597-1611.
Minkkinen, Panu (2022) ‘Ethnography in Motion, or Walking with W.G. Sebald’, Social & Legal Studies, Vol. 30, No. 3: 347-364. https://doi.org/10.1177/09646639211027338
Minkkinen, Panu (2021) ‘“The Nude Man’s City”: Flávio de Carvalho’s Anthropophagic Architecture as Cultural Criticism’, Pólemos, Vol. 15, No. 1: 91-119.
Minkkinen, Panu (2020) ‘“Enemies of the People”? The Judiciary and Claude Lefort’s “Savage Democracy”’, p. 27-42, in Matilda Arvidsson, Leila Brännström and Panu Minkkinen (eds), Constituent Power: Law, Popular Rule and Politics. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
Arvidsson, Matilda, Leila Brännström and Panu Minkkinen (eds) (2020) Constituent Power: Law, Popular Rule and Politics. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
Minkkinen, Panu (2020) ‘Agonism, Democracy, and Law’, p. 427-442, in Maximillian Del Mar, Bernadette Meyler and Simon Stern (eds), The Oxford Handbook of Law and the Humanities. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Minkkinen, Panu (2018) ‘The Tragic Politics of Public Law’, p. 51-61, in Michael A. Wilkinson and Michael W. Dowdle (eds), Questioning the Foundations of Public Law. Oxford: Hart.
Minkkinen, Panu (2017) ‘Rancière and Schmitt: Sons of Ares?’, p. 129-149, in Mónica López Lerma and Julen Etxabe (eds), Rancière and Law. Abingdon: Routledge.
Minkkinen, Panu (2017) ‘Oikeus- ja yhteiskuntatieteellinen tutkimus – suuntaus, tarkastelutapa, menetelmä?’ [on socio-legal studies], Lakimies, No. 7-8: 908-923.
Minkkinen, Panu (2017) ‘“Life Grasps Life”: Wilhelm Dilthey’s Minor Jurisprudence’, Law Text Culture, Vol. 21: 143-164.
Minkkinen, Panu (2016) ‘“Vähiten vaarallinen valtioelin”? Tuomiovalta, vallanjako ja demokratia’ [on judicial power, the separation of powers, and democracy], Politiikka, Vol. 58, No. 3: 224-237.
Minkkinen, Panu (2016) ‘“Electoral Shenanigans”: The Constituted Electorate, the Constituent People, and the Porous State’, p. 72-83, in Anne Griffiths, Sanna Mustasaari and Anna Mäki-Petäjä-Leinonen (eds), Subjectivity, Citizenship and Belonging in Law: Identities and Intersections. Abingdon: Routledge.
Minkkinen, Panu (2016) ‘A-Legal Irruptions and Spatial Revolutions’, Jurisprudence, Vol. 7, No. 2: 401-408.
Minkkinen, Panu (2016) ‘Lacan avec Bataille avec Nietzsche: A Politics of the Impossible?’, p. 281-298, in Andrea Zevnik and Samo Tomšič (eds), Jacques Lacan: Between Psychoanalysis and Politics. Abingdon: Routledge.
Minkkinen, Panu (2016) ‘The Juridical Romanticism of Friedrich Dürrenmatt’s The Execution of Justice’, p. 78-90, in Matilda Arvidsson, Leila Brännström and Panu Minkkinen (eds), The Contemporary Relevance of Carl Schmitt: Law, Politics, Theology. Abingdon: Routledge.
Arvidsson, Matilda, Leila Brännström and Panu Minkkinen (eds) (2016) The Contemporary Relevance of Carl Schmitt: Law, Politics, Theology. Abingdon: Routledge.
Minkkinen, Panu (2016) ‘The Container and the Septic Tank: Statism, Life, and the Geopolitics of Territoriality’, p. 389-409, in Jarna Petman (ed), Finnish Yearbook of International Law. Vol. 23, 2012-2013. Oxford: Hart.
Minkkinen, Panu (2015) ‘Valta, sen jakaminen, ja parlamentarismi – PL 3 §:stä Walter Bagehotin valossa’ [on power, its separation, and parliamentarism], Lakimies, No. 1: 3-27.
Minkkinen, Panu (2013) ‘Resonance: Why Feminists Do/Ought Not Read Kelsen’, p. 123-137, in Maria Drakopoulou (ed), Feminist Encounters with Legal Philosophy. Abingdon: Routledge.
Minkkinen, Panu (2013) ‘The “Last Resort”: A Moral and/or Legal Principle?’, Oñati Socio-legal Series, Vol. 3, No. 1: 21-30.
Minkkinen, Panu (2013) ‘Critical Legal “Method” as Attitude’, p. 119-138, in Dawn Watkins and Mandy Burton (eds), Research Methods in Law. Abingdon: Routledge.
Minkkinen, Panu (2013) ‘De Lege Ferenda: What Is the “Socio” of Legal Reasoning?’, p. 85-110, in Dermot Feenan (ed), Exploring the Socio of Socio-Legal Studies. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Minkkinen, Panu (2013) ‘Here I Stand, I Can Do No Other: Politics, Violence, and Ends in Themselves’, Law and Literature, Vol. 25, No. 2: 226-243.
Minkkinen, Panu (2013) ‘Political Constitutionalism versus Political Constitutional Theory: Law, Power and Politics’, International Journal of Constitutional Law, Vol. 11, No. 3: 585-610.
Minkkinen, Panu (2011) ‘Law, Ethics, and the Imagery of Suffering’, p. 273-287, in Oren Ben-Dor (ed), Law and Art: Ethics, Aesthetics, Justice. Abingdon: Routledge.
Minkkinen, Panu (2010) ‘The Legal Academic of Max Weber’s Tragic Modernity’, Social & Legal Studies, Vol. 19, No. 2: 165-182.
Minkkinen, Panu (2009) Sovereignty, Knowledge, Law. Abingdon: Routledge.
Minkkinen, Panu (2007) ‘The Ethos of Sovereignty: A Critical Appraisal’, Human Rights Review, Vol. 8, No. 2: 33-51.
Minkkinen, Panu (2007) ‘Ressentiment as Suffering: On Transitional Justice and the Impossibility of Forgiveness’, Law and Literature, Vol. 19, No. 3: 513-531.
Minkkinen, Panu (2006) ‘“If Taken in Earnest”: Criminal Law Doctrine and the Last Resort’, The Howard Journal of Criminal Justice, Vol. 45, No. 5: 521-536.
Minkkinen, Panu (2005) ‘Bataille’s Contestation’, Law, Culture and the Humanities, Vol. 1, No. 2: 247-263.
Minkkinen, Panu (2005) ‘Why Is Law a Normative Discipline?: On Hans Kelsen’s “Normology”’ , Res Publica, Vol. 11, No. 3: 235-249.
Minkkinen, Panu (2002) Järjen lait. Kant ja oikeuden filosofia [on Immanuel Kant’s three Critiques and law]. Helsinki: Tutkijaliitto.
Minkkinen, Panu (1999) Thinking Without Desire: A First Philosophy of Law. Oxford: Hart.
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